Dirges was founded at the beginning of 1999 by Tormento in the Drums and Mutylator in the Voice and with a Guitarist that didn't demonstrate true passion for the metal. After a short time Hell Fire enters to the band, with a devastating guitar that marked the force Thrash and eighty of the band. Then they passed many guitarists that were not very appropriate with the ideals of the band. Later Necro unites with a very raw and dark style that made even intensify more, the sharp sounds of DIRGES. We were carried out some concerts with this alignment: Mutylator - Voice, Hell Fire - Guitar, Necro - Guitar, and Tormento - Battery and Choirs; and with this line, it was played until February of 2001. In December of the same year a demo of 8 songs would be recorded: Intro (destrucci..n), Cabalgando en el Fuego, Vestigios de Guerra, Thrash Metal, Oda al Metalero, Devastaci..n, Comando Infernal y Dirges, of which copies are not printed; however, it was given to know with great welcome, in a part of the scene underground of Medellín. we left this way giving the concerts in search of a Bass player that gave more heaviness to the band and that it continued consolidating the idea of radical Thrash that one came managing from the beginning; for this time, it enters to the band Infernal Moon (Drummer of SATANACHIA) to consolidate in fire the idea that one came managing from their birth.
We has been played several times with bands like DISASTER and BLACK MASTER in the first METAL ATTACK and then in later concerts with some other bands of the city. Later the band was of visit in Tul..a in company of other real bands of metal of Medell..n like LEMURES, DRAKAR, and others of great importance like: IDEOLOGIA INMORTAL (Anserma), AMENTIS (Tul..a) y SHEMHAMFORASH (Pereira).
after some other touches in Medell..n, we was carried out at the beginning of 2002 the first concert of DIRGES in solitary "METAL ATTACK 2" Title of the concerts organized by the own band and of one of the topics of their repertoire; there we had the following alignment: Tormento - Drums and Voice, Necro - guitar, Hell Fire - guitar. Infernal Moon - Bass. Mutylator who had been a vocalist until the moment, unfortunately would leave DIRGES to travel outside of the country. After this concert Infernal Moon retires for reasons of ideological type. It lapses a time until the band unite again Satwar with who is played in concert a single time, in April of 2002. finally, Little time later, Hell Fire deserts. Of the original idea of making real Thrash Metal the 80 remain: Tormento and Necro, refusing to the idea of ending up, definitively, with the band; however, DIRGES (for obvious reasons) it suffers a long recess. After almost one year, we begun the rehearsals again by the middle of 2003 and we calls the current Bass player Alex who now consolidates as integral of the band demonstrating progressively, their interest for the cause. The band has three members at the present time, already established that have been shown compatible, not only in the concerning thing to DIRGES, but also as for the strong knots of friendship that unites them. This atmosphere becomes favorable to think in that you continues for a lot of time with the same stability. Therefore for this 2004 the first work of DIRGES rushed and they will continue carrying out concerts for the real metalheads that are willing to listen the band.
contactos: alexdirhell@hotmail.com - jfdirges@hotmail.com

after some other touches in Medell..n, we was carried out at the beginning of 2002 the first concert of DIRGES in solitary "METAL ATTACK 2" Title of the concerts organized by the own band and of one of the topics of their repertoire; there we had the following alignment: Tormento - Drums and Voice, Necro - guitar, Hell Fire - guitar. Infernal Moon - Bass. Mutylator who had been a vocalist until the moment, unfortunately would leave DIRGES to travel outside of the country. After this concert Infernal Moon retires for reasons of ideological type. It lapses a time until the band unite again Satwar with who is played in concert a single time, in April of 2002. finally, Little time later, Hell Fire deserts. Of the original idea of making real Thrash Metal the 80 remain: Tormento and Necro, refusing to the idea of ending up, definitively, with the band; however, DIRGES (for obvious reasons) it suffers a long recess. After almost one year, we begun the rehearsals again by the middle of 2003 and we calls the current Bass player Alex who now consolidates as integral of the band demonstrating progressively, their interest for the cause. The band has three members at the present time, already established that have been shown compatible, not only in the concerning thing to DIRGES, but also as for the strong knots of friendship that unites them. This atmosphere becomes favorable to think in that you continues for a lot of time with the same stability. Therefore for this 2004 the first work of DIRGES rushed and they will continue carrying out concerts for the real metalheads that are willing to listen the band.

contactos: alexdirhell@hotmail.com - jfdirges@hotmail.com
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